Windows 11 might soon get AI-based effects for desktop backgrounds [Update]

A Windows 12 wallpaper generated by AI

Windows enthusiasts continue digging for hidden features and all sorts of clues for future updates in the latest Windows 11 preview release. For example, in build 25309, users uncovered a new option for managing more recommendations in the Start menu. Another discovery is a bunch of code lines pointing to potentially upcoming new personalization features powered by the almighty AI.

According to @XenoPanther and @PhantomOfEarth, Windows 11 build 25309 contains several strings hinting at AI-powered effects for the desktop background. The build mentioned "Depth effects," "Parallax Background," and "WallpaperMotion." Another line suggests Microsoft wants to use AI to add depth effects to background images on compatible devices. Unfortunately, build 25309 does not allow you to enable any of that, so we must sit tight and wait for Microsoft to announce the new features in upcoming builds. Meanwhile, you can check out a recent Windows 12 concept imagining a revamped desktop background system that adapts to the content on the screen.

Also, the lack of additional information makes it difficult to predict whether the effects require dedicated neural processing units. However, the "use AI when available" line implies no luck for those with traditional x86 processors from Intel and AMD. Windows 11 can already apply a parallax effect to the lock screen wallpaper, which requires a simple accelerometer. Perhaps, Microsoft will figure out how to make the desktop background a little fancier for those not ready to upgrade their PCs.

AI-powered backgrounds are yet another mention of machine learning powering new features in Microsoft's operating system. In a recent interview with The Verge, a Microsoft representative revealed that the company is actively investigating how to incorporate AI into Windows to give customers more powerful experiences. Such experiences may include smart window snapping, fancy effects for the desktop background, studio effects for video calls, and more. Microsoft also claims Windows 11's latest feature update has AI built into the taskbar, but in reality, that is nothing but a brainless shortcut to Edge and Bing.

Microsoft wants to make its operating system more intelligent, so it needs better integration with the hardware powering it. A recent leak revealed that Intel is reportedly already aware of the upcoming Windows 12, and it could be ready for the public debut by the end of 2024.

Update Mar 5: According to @thebookisclosed (Twitter), Windows 11 build 25309 allows enabling the new effects, but getting the feature to operate requires a lot of work. Also, it should work on traditional PCs without an accelerometer by shifting the background when the user moves the cursor around.

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