Microsoft is working on allowing Edge users to control the browser using various mouse gestures. Although the company has yet to announce the feature, it is already available for testing.
Edge dev RSS
Microsoft has released a new weekly update for its Edge browser in the Dev Channel. Version 115.0.1880.1 features a slightly redesigned history hub, improvements for InPrivate on iOS, and more.
Microsoft Edge 115.0.1843.0 is now available in the Dev Channel. The update adds several notable changes to the Discover pane, vertical tabs, and more. It also fixes AV1 playback issues and more.
Microsoft has released Edge 114.0.1807.1 in the Dev Channel, bringing insiders a new keyboard shortcut for toggling Sidebar autohide/always show, plus various fixes and improvements.
Edge 114.0.1793.0 is now available for testing in the Dev Channel. It is a relatively minor update that brings fixes for the recently introduced Workspaces features, plus improvements on Android.
Edge 114 is now available for testing in the Dev Channel. Microsoft has released version 114.0.1788.0 with a slightly tweaked side pane, several bugfixes, minor changes, and quality improvements.
Microsoft has announced a new tool for its browser. Edge Canary and Dev now feature "Browser Essentials"—a place to monitor the browser's performance and security with a journal-styled dashboard.
Microsoft has released the first Edge 113 version for testing in the Dev Channel. The latest update delivers Sidebar and address bar improvements, new policies, and various bugfixes.
Microsoft has released Microsoft Edge 112.0.1722.7 in the Dev Channel. This version brings new features, tons of bugfixes and improvements, and various new policies for enterprise customers.
Microsoft has released a redesigned browser to insiders in the Dev and Canary Channel. If you do not like this unorthodox design and its rounded corners, here is how to restore the original looks.
Microsoft is testing a new Edge feature you will absolutely hate. Apart from looking out of place and sitting in the wrong spot, it automatically opens whenever you hover the mouse on top of it.
This week's edition of Microsoft Weekly is jampacked with news about modified versions of Windows 11 and other third-party tweaking tools, a bunch of Teams and Edge updates, and some ChatGPT hype.
The latest weekly feature update for Microsoft Edge in the Dev Channel (version 111.0.1660.0) is here with improved Workspaces and all sorts of bugfixes, improvements, and minor changes.
Microsoft has released a new Edge update in the Dev Channel. Version 111.0.1633.0 is now available for download with one new feature for Android and a long list of various bugfixes.
Microsoft has released a new weekly Edge Dev update, delivering insiders a long list of fixes, improvements, and new features, such as passwords import from CSV and an improved ad-blocker on iOS.
The first Edge Dev update of 2023 is here with traditional minor changes and improvements. However, the release again confirms why using preview software is not always the best idea.
The recently introduced Sidebar feature has received several notable upgrades in the latest Dev update. It now supports notifications, resizing, mute/unmute, and search. Also, there are many bugfixes.
The latest version of Edge Dev is here with a traditionally long list of improvements and fixes. What makes this version stands out is the fact that it no longer supports old Windows versions.
The latest weekly feature update for Microsoft Edge in the Dev Channel is here with various improvements for Sidebar, WebView2, Internet Explorer mode, and all sorts of minor fixes.
Microsoft has released another weekly feature update in the Edge Dev Channel. Version 106.0.1363.0 has a modest changelog, focusing on improving accessibility and fixing several bugs.
Microsoft has released Edge 106.0.1349.1 in the Dev Channel. The latest update allows adding a nickname for a specific password and filtering browsing history by date on the History page.
This week's Edge Dev update brings several minor improvements for insiders to test. Version 105.0.1336.2 is now available with Narrator and performance enhancements on different platforms.
Microsoft has released another weekly Edge update in the Dev channel. Version 105.0.1329.1 brings a small tweak to the PDF Editor, an improved mute indicator, and various bugfixes.
Microsoft has released Edge Dev 105.0.1321.0 for testing in the Edge Insider program. Changes do not include notable new features, but there are many quality-of-life improvements and essential fixes.
The latest Edge Dev update is available for all users on desktop and Android. Version 105.0.1300.0 brings no feature changes, except various improvements and fixes for existing capabilities.
Microsoft has finally added to its browser in the Dev and Canary channels a native "launcher" that allows you to quickly access different settings and features of Edge using various commands.
Microsoft has released the final Edge 104 build for Edge Insiders to test in the Dev channel. Unlike other Dev updates, this one is tiny, with just a couple of fixes and improvements.
This week, Microsoft released Edge 104.0.1287.1 for testing in the Dev channel. It is yet another minor update with very few changes, such as Microsoft Rewards notifications and various fixes.
The latest weekly update for the Edge browser in the Dev channel comes with an unusually small changelog. The release focuses on improving icons on macOS and performance uplifts on iOS.
Microsoft has extended Edge 104 testing from the Canary channel to Dev. Version 104.0.1271.2 is now available for Edge Insiders with several minor changes, improvements, and bugfixes.
Microsoft has released the final Edge 103 build to insiders in the Dev channel. Version 103.0.1264.2 is now available for download with minor feature changes, various bugfixes, and improvements.
With Microsoft getting ready to release Edge 102 in the Beta and Stable channel, Edge 103 is now available for testing in Dev. This week's update adds natural language support for search in history.
This was probably the busiest week of the month when it comes to news related to Microsoft. We have lots to discuss, including a colorful Task Manager, quarterly results, and Edge enhancements.
Microsoft has released another weekly Edge update in the Dev channel. Version 102.0.1235.1 adds a new command to the Tab Action menu, allowing you to access tabs from other devices easily.
Microsoft's latest Edge Dev Channel build 102.0.1227.0 has just been released. The new build fixes multiple crashing problems, adds many new features like a Network Sandbox policy, and more.
Microsoft released another weekly update for Edge in the Dev channel. Version 102.0.1220.1 adds improvements for progressive web apps, a redesigned app management page, and passwords import on mobile.
Version 99 of the Chromium-based Microsoft Edge is now in the Dev Channel. The Stable version should be updated to v98 next month. Microsoft has promised it has reduced the number of known issues.
Microsoft has enabled the authentication for autofill toggle on Edge Dev for Android, bringing it a step closer to being made available for all people who choose to run Microsoft Edge on Android.
Edge Dev version 96.0.1032.0 is now rolling out with a few new features such as support for voice typing on Windows 11, improvements to moving tabs across profiles, and a bunch of bug fixes.
Microsoft has released the first Edge 96 build for Dev channel users. iOS users can now swipe to close tabs, there is now a shortcut to personalize the web widget in Settings on desktop, and more.